
Relieve Arm Injury Pain In Oklahoma

Cervical spine issues bring pain and other symptoms, such as tingling, numbness and muscle weakness. If you have nerve pain in the arms, the issue causing discomfort might actually be your neck. At Oklahoma Center for Spine & Pain Solutions, we're highly experienced in assessing all arm pain and formulating individualized treatment plans to help.


Arm Pain 

  • Cervical Facet joint injury

  • Radiculopathy

  • Foraminal stenosis

  • Muscle spasms

  • Sprain & Strain

  • Degenerative Disc Disease

  • Myelopathy


Come See Us

Come see us if you're experiencing constant arm pain from physical trauma such as a fall or accident.


Consult A Doctor Immediately If You Have:

• Numbness in, or having difficulty moving, your extremities

• Bladder control loss or impairment

• Significant levels of pain


Why Choose Oklahoma Center for Spine & Pain Solutions 

Our talented team gives patients valuable perspective and effective procedures to bring neck pain relief.

We're highly experienced in a wide variety of spinal techniques and we go the extra mile to make sure that your neck-related pain points are treated. Our skilled team of nurses and administrators also dedicate themselves to being productive while making sure you're comfortable.


Skilled Surgeons & Specialists

Our experienced doctors and nurses will find the root cause of your issues, and we'll tailor a treatment plan together.

Effective Comprehensive Care

Discover surgical and non-surgical treatments to relieve the neck pain you're experiencing.

Cutting-Edge Technology & Procedures

We proudly have cutting-edge, industry-leading assessment methods and surgical systems to accurately treat every patient.